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As we start expanding the type of content we roll out, we wanted to bring interesting folks in the Web3 space to light through our People Stories.

To kick things off, we caught up with our good friend Ryan Mac(@bolangbule) who is also our brand new Wush ambassador.

Ryan, tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m from Scotland and based in Jakarta Indonesia. I'm an Ex British Army Forward Observer and private bodyguard. These days I’m a full time currency trader of 8 years and part-time Youtuber with 725k subscribers and sponsored by The North Face and Kawasaki and of course Wush, to name a few.  I explore the incredible islands, mountains and jungles of Indonesia with my pet luwak (civet cat), Chelsea.

Tell us more about your channel.

It’s called ‘Bule Bolang Survival and Extreme Adventure’ that I mix between English and Bahasa Indonesia, so that Indonesians and the rest of the world can enjoy watching the content. 

I created the channel to allow people from around the world to come with me on my journey to see places that they may not usually get to see or experience. My channel provides education on how to survive in the world's most austere jungles and mountains, and also gives information on local wildlife, plants, and endangered animals that need our help and protection in order to survive.

Sounds apt and self explanatory why we have picked you to be our ambassador, as we are aligned on our passion for exploration. Speaking of which, how did you get into Web3?

A mate of mine told me to buy some crypto some 10 years back now, and that was it!

What was the greatest obstacle personally when getting into crypto?

All the scams and fake spam promoting the next big shit coin, so much noise in the space when you just get in and it’s really hard to cut through the clutter and get the right information. Recommendations mostly come from friends or family who have no idea what they’re talking about, and this is where doing your own research (DYOR) is so important and where I think Wush fits in nicely, and also why I’ve jumped on the Wush rocketship. 

What’s in the bag, Ryan? What’s in the bag?

Some Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin and Ripple. And of course a couple of shit coins, as you do, don’t judge me!

Any tips for folks considering getting into crypto as traders or investors?

Learn from genuine people in the know, don’t turn into a magpie and fall for all the shiny marketing. If something was really about to give you a 1000% return in a week, why haven’t folks like Elon Musk or Donald Trump invested? Because it’s bullshit that’s why! Don’t lie to yourself, if it’s too good to be true, it often is!

Final question, what are your thoughts on the Web3 landscape in Indonesia?

I personally feel the pot is about to boil over and Indonesia is going to enter a huge financial uptick led by crypto. Post-election, the incoming leadership seems to have a very open and supportive stance on crypto which could fuel a revolution such as the way the country leapfrogged the laptop and desktop phase and went straight to mobile phones. In turn this ultra high mobile penetration rate fueled the growth of social media, ecommerce and a variety of other tech related industries. I feel the same will happen with the leapfrogging of traditional finance and go straight to crypto. I saw a stat the other day where roughly 80% of Indonesia's 275 million population are unbanked and underbanked. But with smartphone penetration in relatively high at 80% of the population. I feel this will culminate with Indonesia having one of the highest and fastest rates of crypto adoption we’ve yet to see. How is this not a bullish metric!

If you think you or someone you know should be featured, drop us a DM on X (@wush_co) to let us know or drop us a note on our contact form.

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